Thursday, November 5, 2009

Loss Weight Easy

What is the secret to loss weight easy?
Eat more vegetables. The easy was to lose weight is by making simple and easy soups.
Squash soup is easy and delicious.
Simple to make either roast or steam squash. Butternut, acorn, delecta, what ever looks good in the produce section. Don't microwave.

Basic recipe:
Puree/blend the cooked squash and add chicken stock to thin.
Add to taste:
Ginger powder, salt-free seasoning, nutmeg or sour cream.
Combining two or more squashes gives a nice flavor. You can also use pumpkin- canned for easy- and carrots. Cooked carrots are really sweet.

Make the soup puree the night before and then heat with the chicken stock for a quick and easy breakfast.
Fiber and a daily serving of vegetables.
The key to weight loss is to eat more vegetables in as many colors as possible.

Kale soup is also a winner.
Add chopped vegetables to a slow cooker and then have a hot and ready meal waiting for you after work. It is easier to resist fast food after work when you know you have something ready at home.
A good blend is carrots, onions, celery, potatoes, beans, canned tomatoes, cabbage and kale.
Season with no-salt vegetable blend. 
To add freshness chop an apple and use as garnish. This gives the soup a lightness, sweet and crunch.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

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